HLG Privacy Policy

Updated on Octobre 2022

This Privacy Policy explains how information about you is collected, used by HLG App’s when you use the HLG mobile application.

By accepting our Privacy Policy, you agree to let HLG collect, use information about you in accordance with the purposes listed below.

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make changes, we will notify you by revising the date at the top of the policy and, depending on the specific changes, we may provide you with additional notice or require a renewed consent (e.g., by adding a statement to our website’s homepage or in the App). We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy whenever you access the App to stay informed about our information practices and the ways you can help protect your privacy.

Collection of Information

Information We Collect Automatically through the App

When you access or use the App, we automatically collect information about you, including:

Log Information: We log information about your use of the App, including the type ofdevice you use to track the Crash in the app .

Device Information: We collect information about the device’s software and hardware) to track the Crash in the app.


Account Access

HLG App uses your google acount to sign with your google account to backup your important recordings to your drive. 

HLG Does not store your recording anywhere except in your drive . HLG does not transfer your google login information to us or any third party


We use Google Analytics to collect information about how many people install and use this application. Analytics data helps us to improve HLG App.

Collected information is neither personally identifiable nor contains personal information. You can read related Google policies at https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/partners/


We will do anything we can to fix issues you might have HLG

for any information or queries don’t hesitate to contact us through our contact us details listed here